Check out my rundown of the 2010 Senate races here

Thursday, January 22, 2009

NC-Sen Poll

Public Policy Polling released a new poll for the 2010 North Carolina Senate race yesterday, pitting incumbent Sen. Richard Burr (R) against Rep. Heath Shuler (D) in a hypothetical match-up. Here are the results:

No Opinion--33%

I showed the "No Opinion" percentage this time because it seemed significant that so many North Carolina voters haven't made up their minds about either of the men.

The poll also pegs Burr's approve-disapprove rating at 33-30 and Shuler's approve-disapprove rating at 21-21. These are weak numbers for both men, but it does show that most people have no opinion either way about either of these men.

Shuler is among three Democrats that are widely mentioned as potential challengers to Burr, with the other two being state Attorney General Roy Cooper and former state Treasurer Richard Moore.

A PPP poll released last month found Burr trailing Cooper 39-34, while a Research 2000 poll found Burr leading Cooper 45-43 and Moore 46-40.

All three of these men could potentially pose a strong challenge to Burr in the general election, and it seems as though the Democrats have a strong bench and many options with which to work with.

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