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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Obama Fights On Two Fronts

Well, it's official. Barack Obama is now the front-runner and Hillary Clinton is the underdog. I never thought I'd see the day.

Hillary has been trying to do everything she can to get back into the spotlight. After losing 11 contests in a row, she and her team are dispirited. She is now tied in the polls with Obama in Texas and Ohio--two states that were going to be her "firewall" states.

At both the Texas and Ohio debates, she was very civil and did not really land any blows that stuck on Obama. But after the Ohio debate, she got angry.

"Shame on you Barack Obama," she said in reference to the mailers Obama sent out that "mischaracterized" her opinions on Nafta and health care.

She has tried to the inevitable strategy, then flaunted her experience, then it was change, then it was crying, then it was the race card, then being overly nice, and now, FINALLY, she's getting aggressive. She's hoping that this new strategy and message will stick so that she will carry the two must-win states of Texas and Ohio on Tuesday.

With the momentum and superdelegates swinging towards Obama, she must be aggressive to stay alive in this campaign.

But now that Obama is the front-runner, he is beginning to feel the pressure of holding that position. Now, recognized as the favorite to be the Democratic nominee, Obama has been consistently attacked by the presumptive Republican nominee, John McCain.

Ever since McCain's Wisconsin victory speech, he has slammed Obama for being naive and inexperienced. He says that Obama is making "an empty promise for change" and that Americans are not buying it. But are they?

In polls of a hypothetical match-up against McCain, Obama consistently beats him. The same is true in many statewide hypothetical polls.

And John McCain is wasting no time in getting ready for the general election. He knows that the Democrats are currently divided and is doing the best he can to take advantage of it.

Obama has also come under fire from Bill Cunningham--a Cincinnati-area conservative talk show host--who spoke to warm up the crowd at a McCain rally. He basically went on a rant about Obama, mentioning his middle name, Hussein, several times.

I'm not going to go into specifics, but it was certainly a nasty rampage. McCain denounced and apologized for Cunningham's remarks. He did not hear the comments in person because he was on a bus at the time they were said. Cunningham then in turn got angry at McCain, saying that he said nothing offensive.

This may be a sign of what is to come in the general election if Obama is the nominee. Expect to hear "Muslim," "Hussein" and "Madrasa"--a type of school he attended in Indonesia--a lot more if he gets the nomination in what is sure to be a nasty election season.

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